Wednesday, August 27, 2008

old girls

Maybe it doesn't help build social skills, which is my one argument against Facebook, but I can't think of any other faults with this networking tool. Thanks to FB, i'm able to keep in touch with friends overseas, and local, and best of all, have found old friends from my Convent days.

I had a long chat with one old friend today who found me on FB. I haven't seen her nor spoken with her for over 20 years, and while we've been in touch on the FB for the past few months already, I had been just a wee bit nervous about calling her up today. What does one say to someone after a 20 year hiatus? We had some good times back when I was in Form 5 and she in Form 3. We hooked up well back then, the bunch of us Catholic girls, but I'm so very different now and she likewise, I'm sure. It would be horrible to discover, after attempting to rekindle our friendship, that perhaps now we don't have anything in common at all. It would be horrible to have this tarnish the sweet memories I have of then.

It's a heartwarming discovery for me everytime it happens; that when we've formed a friendship once, be it quite recent or so very long ago, it's a friendship that lasts, that when revisited, the affection and warmth just seep back into it like it's always been there, like there's never really been a hiatus afterall. And today, my long chat with my old girlfriend was that moment re-experienced.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Woo hooo, it sounds like the conversation you and I had today.

Thanks for having such fond memories of our friendship. Don't worry, I always pick up where I left off, rest assured it's going to be rock and roll when we met in person.

BTW, the nicest thing someone has ever, ever said to me is that my laugh is familiar.

To me, it means you remember the good times we had. You think?