Friday, August 22, 2008

51 years and non the wiser

In In The Valley Of Elah, Tommy Lee Jones hung the American flag upside down to signify distress.

This nation is in distress and everyone knows it. The country needs leaders who will think of the people's plight first before the self. How has this become too much to hope for? Has corruption blinded them so? How much wealth is enough? Has it become impossible for them to stop 'taking'? Do they prioritise harvesting from every possible remotest opportunity, over working at resolving the tonnes of problems we're engulfed in?

Racial harmony?.. That's a myth. By making statements intended to make us believe that we're living in harmony, doesn't make it true and won't make it happen.

The proclaimed 'respect' of all religions, is a farce. There is no such thing, not in the true sense of the word. There is just one religion that matter and the rest, well, those just have to exist as best as they possibly can, under constant threat.

The events we witness daily, our politics and the current state of this nation - these are clear examples of greed over conscience. At 51, we've sunk to the lowest state of affairs. At 51, we're in a state of shame.

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