Monday, August 25, 2008

fraudsters at AM Assurance

AM Assurance is a thorn in my side. No, to be more accurate.. a thorn in my life.
It began 11 years ago, when an AM agent came selling an insurance plan. He said, "RM83,000, the maturity sum upon your retirement; for just RM100 a month." It sounded great. I was young(er) and this sounded like a good way to save. I bought it.

Some years later, I discovered that I've tied myself to a whole life plan and not an endowment plan (that matures upon retirement). What was I to do?.. I believed that I had been tricked by the AM agent, believed that there was nothing I could do about it, and I continued paying.

A month and a half back, I discovered that the signature in the original form (life assurance proposal form) is not mine. Now there's a reason for me to believe that I've been tricked for sure and, that the content of the said proposal form, which serves as the basis of the original purchase, is disputable.

So I raise the matter with AM. What happens now? AM Assurance ignores my call to investigate, ignores my questions, and actually tells me that they have 'decided' to continue the policy as is! There's a Azllynah Bakar who is the head of claims there. I've been dealing with her to get this sorted but frankly, I don't think she understood my letters, and neither did she understand what I was saying when I spoke with her!

AM is the most incompetent insurance company, financial institution for that matter, that I've ever worked with. On their homepage, they've got this line - We put extra effort to cater well to your insurance needs. Let us make you smile.

In truth, what they meant to say is - We put extra effort to trick you into believing your insurance needs are met. Let us make you weep and suffer! - this is AM Assurance in all its glory!

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