Friday, August 29, 2008

doctors aren't always smart

Aside from my personal doctor at a clinic in my neighbourhood, my experiences with doctors have never been pleasant. I realise that just because they're doctors, they're not necessarily definitely smart. I mean, once I had thought one has got to be of above average intelligence to be a doc, but wiser me now, has learnt that that's not true.

When I was under employment, my panel doctors were never kind.. I remember two docs who actually bark. It's like they don't have to be nice because they know that I'm not paying the bill. But this changed when I became senior management at one of my past employment. Their tone of voice and facial expressions were softer, more pleasing... maybe they thought I could determine their continuity as panel with the company. I couldn't of course.

Now, I've found myself this really gem of a doc. When I consult with him... I know I've got his fullest attention. And he actually mulls over my prescription, about what's best for my ailment, even when I go to him with a common fever/flu. Now how great is that!

I'm thinking doctors today because I've got to see one next week, not to consult with but to discuss with, and I'm dreading it, not because she's nasty (for I now pay my own medical bills), but because I don't know how I can make her see reason. If I succeed, I might just change my opinion about doctors.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

pigeon curry anyone?

They're poultry so they should taste like chicken, tastier maybe since they're smaller in size. I can cook the curry, but the bird's got to reach my kitchen all cleaned and cut, and cleaned. And I can't and won't get anyone to do all that bloody work for me.

Up on the fourth floor of my apartment building, on the drainage pipe just below the roof, a family of pigeons has made home. I'm on the first floor, and the pipe is right above where I have my clothes rack for drying laundry. So there's the problem that's got me thinking pigeon curry. The floor is covered in pigeon filth and although the cleaners do quite regularly wash it all off, unless the pigeons find another home (or are dealt with), the cleaning is pointless.

I've had to move my laundry rack further out on the landing which is fine on a sunny day. The original spot however offers shade and I had the luxury of just leaving my clothes to dry there, shine or rain. That spot was just so perfect; and that's why I'm now nursing murderous thoughts, but animal rights advocates needn't pounce on me.. bcause these are just thoughts, they'll never turn into action. Nope. Never. Ever. Really. I won't.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

old girls

Maybe it doesn't help build social skills, which is my one argument against Facebook, but I can't think of any other faults with this networking tool. Thanks to FB, i'm able to keep in touch with friends overseas, and local, and best of all, have found old friends from my Convent days.

I had a long chat with one old friend today who found me on FB. I haven't seen her nor spoken with her for over 20 years, and while we've been in touch on the FB for the past few months already, I had been just a wee bit nervous about calling her up today. What does one say to someone after a 20 year hiatus? We had some good times back when I was in Form 5 and she in Form 3. We hooked up well back then, the bunch of us Catholic girls, but I'm so very different now and she likewise, I'm sure. It would be horrible to discover, after attempting to rekindle our friendship, that perhaps now we don't have anything in common at all. It would be horrible to have this tarnish the sweet memories I have of then.

It's a heartwarming discovery for me everytime it happens; that when we've formed a friendship once, be it quite recent or so very long ago, it's a friendship that lasts, that when revisited, the affection and warmth just seep back into it like it's always been there, like there's never really been a hiatus afterall. And today, my long chat with my old girlfriend was that moment re-experienced.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

wasabi ice cream

Wasabi is just great, a must for me with every Japanese dish. I had a sushi lunch today with my friend at Sushi Groove in OneUtama new wing. The dishes were good and having a variety of sushi instead of a bento box or rice with several Japanese dishes, is perfect when lunch is meant more to catch up with my friend instead of eating. It was like having dim sum (which incidentally was my lunch last Saturday).

There was plenty of room for dessert and while the all-time choice would be green-tea ice cream, I decided to be adventurous and go for the wasabi ice cream. No regrets, but I certainly won't ever have that for dessert again! The flavour is sweet at the start but as is the nature of wasabi, the pang hits later, just at the point where my throat starts. I could manage this confused state of having a dessert for about 10 teaspoon scoops, but it got unbearable after that.

Dessert is meant to be a delightful ending to a meal. I think I got faintly scorched with this dessert!

Monday, August 25, 2008

fraudsters at AM Assurance

AM Assurance is a thorn in my side. No, to be more accurate.. a thorn in my life.
It began 11 years ago, when an AM agent came selling an insurance plan. He said, "RM83,000, the maturity sum upon your retirement; for just RM100 a month." It sounded great. I was young(er) and this sounded like a good way to save. I bought it.

Some years later, I discovered that I've tied myself to a whole life plan and not an endowment plan (that matures upon retirement). What was I to do?.. I believed that I had been tricked by the AM agent, believed that there was nothing I could do about it, and I continued paying.

A month and a half back, I discovered that the signature in the original form (life assurance proposal form) is not mine. Now there's a reason for me to believe that I've been tricked for sure and, that the content of the said proposal form, which serves as the basis of the original purchase, is disputable.

So I raise the matter with AM. What happens now? AM Assurance ignores my call to investigate, ignores my questions, and actually tells me that they have 'decided' to continue the policy as is! There's a Azllynah Bakar who is the head of claims there. I've been dealing with her to get this sorted but frankly, I don't think she understood my letters, and neither did she understand what I was saying when I spoke with her!

AM is the most incompetent insurance company, financial institution for that matter, that I've ever worked with. On their homepage, they've got this line - We put extra effort to cater well to your insurance needs. Let us make you smile.

In truth, what they meant to say is - We put extra effort to trick you into believing your insurance needs are met. Let us make you weep and suffer! - this is AM Assurance in all its glory!

Friday, August 22, 2008

paddington pooh!

Met my friend for dinner last night at Paddington Pancakes at The Gardens. I went there with high expectations, having enjoyed the food at the same outlet in 1-Utama.

But no.. Paddington's at The Gardens is such a letdown. Savoury item arrived looking miserable, and tasted plain. The sweet item was not too bad, but 'not too bad' was not my expectation.

Pooh!.. to Paddington's at The Gardens.

kudos to AirAsia

I love AirAsia! Because of them, now everyone can fly... me especially!

So, they've launched a new promotion yesterday, cheap air fares KUL-Melbourne. Air fare plus maximum baggage plus a meal plus comfort kit, and it's still so much cheaper than Malaysia Airlines!

I've just bought Dad's air travel to Melbourne for Christmas. RM1872 versus RM4300!! He's just made himself a healthy saving... thanks to AirAsia.

Now why can't we all just be very pleased with AirAsia's success and lend them the support they need to rise further..?

Long live AirAsia!

51 years and non the wiser

In In The Valley Of Elah, Tommy Lee Jones hung the American flag upside down to signify distress.

This nation is in distress and everyone knows it. The country needs leaders who will think of the people's plight first before the self. How has this become too much to hope for? Has corruption blinded them so? How much wealth is enough? Has it become impossible for them to stop 'taking'? Do they prioritise harvesting from every possible remotest opportunity, over working at resolving the tonnes of problems we're engulfed in?

Racial harmony?.. That's a myth. By making statements intended to make us believe that we're living in harmony, doesn't make it true and won't make it happen.

The proclaimed 'respect' of all religions, is a farce. There is no such thing, not in the true sense of the word. There is just one religion that matter and the rest, well, those just have to exist as best as they possibly can, under constant threat.

The events we witness daily, our politics and the current state of this nation - these are clear examples of greed over conscience. At 51, we've sunk to the lowest state of affairs. At 51, we're in a state of shame.

calm after the storm

No, it is the calm after the storm. Last week was a whirlwind of work. Not a moment to rest, up at 5am, home at 11pm or after. I must say though, despite thinking often that I'd not be able to keep up anymore, I had enjoyed the whole rendezvous of meeting so many people with such varying personalities, requiring my constant attention on how I engage them. Perhaps I should do this a bit more often.