Friday, September 5, 2008

a microwave meal

Piping hot and delicious and it took my partner just 15 minutes to prepare, from the cutting and chopping, to the washing up. He's quite the expert at maximising the uses of our microwave and creative too. He's whipped up some yummy microwaved meals before, but yesterday's chicken casserole tops the lot, thus far that is, for I know there are more varieties in store.

Last nights dinner was chunks of boneless chicken, cubes of potatoes, peas, green pepper, onions, in a rich black soya sauce; and bread to soak it all up with. It was really good - light (dinner like a pauper, we're trying to subscribe) and filling, and being the darling that he is, he made sure too that there was no cleaning up for me to do!
I'm such a lucky girl!

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