Wednesday, September 3, 2008

browner than brown

That's my colour, after my Merdeka weekend in the sun in Kuantan.
I spent my time by the beach, frolicking in the sea and lounging by the pool.
One would wonder why, when my original colour is already a tan; but try as I might, and I don't really try that hard, I just can't stop myself from basking by the pool when I'm on a seaside holiday.

I don't care to stay out of the sun, I don't care to pick out a swimsuit that minimises skin exposure, and if I feel like getting into the waters for a swim, I'll just do it, even at the expense of getting burnt in the scorching heat.
It's just way too much fun!
Even when knowing that I'll always always chide myself afterwards, for being so carefree.
Which is precisely what I've been doing since yesterday, everytime I look at myself in the mirror, and as I administer creams and oils to my sun-bruised skin.

Oh well... I'll look myself again.. soon... in time to plan for my next beach retreat.

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