Wednesday, October 8, 2008

working ahead

What a long hiatus from blogging!
So much has been happening.
My sister was in town, that was an intensely family-time.
Then we packed off my nephew who's left to settle with her abroad.
Then -- oh so much work!!!... And still... oh so much to do at work!
It's not slowing down, and I don't anticipate a down time for a long time more. Maybe not till December.

I'm busier still now because I'm working ahead - something I do when I've a holiday planned in just a few weeks.
Something I did (at the expense of almost popping a nerve) weeks leading up to my trip to London/Paris earlier this year; and something I'm doing now, leading up to my trip to ---- Koreaaaaaa!

That was - Korea.
Yup, that's my next foreign holiday destination.
So excited about it ... but am so frenzied with work!
I can do this, oh yes I can.

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